Rock Springs gives visitors a chance to enrich their knowledge of Wyoming’s mining and railroad history.
read now >In its heyday, Superior thrived on the mining industry, even leading the West in mining production for a time. Visit the abandoned mines today, and you can catch a glimpse of Wyoming history and discover the stories of the thousands of miners. They not only put this community on the map — they embodied the pioneering spirit of the West as well.
Fueled by the booming times of the Union Pacific mining operations, Superior was once home to nine coal mines and a bustling community. The area’s most efficient mine—and the last to close—was the D.O. Clark mine, the largest producing mine west of the Mississippi. Superior’s mining days might be long gone, but the spirit and independence of those lively times remains. Learn more about the area's rich history by stopping by the restored Union Hall, once the largest union building in the west, or discover one of the remaining large concrete arrows used in the early 1900s to help air-mail pilots navigate transcontinental flights and deliver mail.
With so many things to do and see, Wyoming keeps you coming back for more!